Alvaro Barrington - Episode 74
Alvaro Barrington makes mixed-media paintings that underscore a reverence for art history and hip-hop culture, craft and handwork, and how and where his own lived experience weaves into the work he is making. Alvaro talks about self-evaluation and how one can be a great painter but a bad artist, innovation and social impact as barometers for successful art, stealing from other artists, paintings as monologues, partnering with multiple competing galleries, debt as a kind of violence, searching for freedom through his paintings, and complete awe and gratitude for being able to live his life as an artist.
This episode is presented by R&F Handmade Paints
View Alvaro’s work HERE
Support Deep Color HERE
For a transcript of this episode, click HERE
Alvaro Barrington, Back in Time/Next Episode, 2022, oil, acrylic, sand on burlap and printed Hermes blanket in wooden frame, 75.2 x 85.04 x 3.15 in